by Soraya Grant
Misconception 1: "I was able to
verify that my online friend has nothing to do with Nigeria or any
other country with a lot of organized scam rings. I went on the web
site of the place they told me they worked, found a contact number,
and called and talked to them there unexpectedly. That means this
person is not a scammer."
Reality: Scams of
the Heart has at least one member who was scammed after doing this
very thing. It turned out to be an American, and possibly some
friends of his, running a copycat of the Nigerian scam. Checking
email headers and cutting off all contact if the messages are found
to be coming from Nigeria, Ghana, or another country with a lot of
organized scam rings is an important first step, as most scams are
run by these rings. But remember that "most" does not mean
the same thing as "all."
Misconception 2: "My online
friend hasn't said anything about money, shipping, gifts, or banking.
They didn't even hint around about it, so this is definitely not a
Reality: While the
vast majority of online romance scams are designed for financial gain
and/or to trick someone else into taking the fall for illegal
activity, there are scammers who run scams simply to hurt people. The
MTV television show Catfish
features many scammers who designed and implemented an online romance
scam in order to get a general sense of revenge on the world, or to
punish an individual they knew for doing something the scammer didn't
like. A scam occurs any time a person or group of people goes online
as a fake person, including a fake version of themselves, and then
uses that created persona to manipulate anyone else into a false
relationship with them.
Misconception 3:
"People are making a big deal out of nothing. Everybody meets
jerks online. If I meet a scammer I'll just quit talking to them."
Reality: Being scammed goes far beyond "meeting a jerk." We
aren't talking about people who do things like set up online health
support pages on Facebook just to form a little clique and get mean
with people they don't find interesting, or pretend they want to make
a friend and then start talking about explicit things out of the
blue, or who start out nice and then start picking random fights. We
are talking about people who use carefully planned brainwashing
methods to manipulate others for their own personal gain. That goes a
bit beyond your ordinary online "jerk" or "troll."
It is possible to just quit talking to someone who you realize is a
scammer right away, or very early in what you believe to be the
relationship, but once you have been lead to believe that this is a
person who loves you and who you love in return, it is not going to
be so easy to just let it go. Scammers do a great deal of emotional
and psychological damage.
Misconception 4:
"I am seeing a lot of red flags for an online romance scam, but
the situation could be real this time."
If you are seeing a lot of signs of a scam, then it's a scam. Pretend
you hired me to housesit this Saturday afternoon through Sunday
afternoon. I promised you that I would keep the house empty and calm,
and spend the time reading and watching TV, only talking to friends
via my cell phone and personal laptop. When I arrive to set myself up
in your guest room, you notice that in addition to a change of
clothes and my hygiene items, I have also brought a cocktail dress,
heels, and makeup. When you look in the grocery bags I brought "so
I wouldn't eat up all your food" you find an assortment of
drinks, several bags of chips, and a flyer with a special price on
large orders from the local pizza place. Would you assume that I am
the one housesitter who eats several times more than the average
person during a weekend and likes to get dressed up to sit and watch
movies alone? Or would you see all the signs of someone about to have
a party in your house, and tell me you won't be needing me after all
before I trash your place? Apply this same logic to your online
contact's behavior. Scammers count on their targets refusing to
accept the red flags that indicate a scam.
Misconception 5:
"I'm not worried. If anyone scams me, I will go after them. They
do it on Catfish all the time"
Reality: Catfish does a great service. It brings romance scams
to the public's attention. Most of what the show teaches is a good
way to handle online relationships; look for red flags, ask a lot of
questions, research the person and any places they claim a connection
to, refuse to make any promises before you know the person well.
However, there are two features of the show Catfish that make
great reality tv, but do not reflect the true reality of most scams.
The first is that they treat the scammer as though they are just
socially awkward or struggling with mental health issues and need
some help to function in the world. When you see a scammer respond
positively to this type of treatment on the show, remember that this
person knows they are on camera in front of millions of people during
the confrontation and the followup. Anyone would say they have health
problems, quit scamming people, took down their fake profile, and are
working on getting help and improving their lives in that situation.
Nobody watching that show knows what this individual is doing when
they're not on a video chat with Nev and Max. They could have taken
down the fake profile they got caught with and made fifteen more.
The second feature of Catfish that is not reflective of the
reality of scammers is the confrontation. It is never
safe to go to anyone's house when meeting them
offline for the first time, and it is mever safe to
confront someone you have realized is a scammer. The show may make it
look like Max, Nev, and the client just show up while you watch, but
the show is researched, filmed, and edited ahead of time by a very
large crew. They are not truly walking into an unknown situation
alone or in a small group as you or you and your friends or family
members would be doing. If you are not seeing the warning signs of a
scammer, arrange the first several meetings in a public place, and
stay in public with the person. If you are seeing the warning signs
of a scammer, do not confront them online or offline.
Cut off all contact immediately.
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